Friday, May 7, 2010

Head cold

I woke up yesterday from a night of not really sleeping, as my sinuses were beginning to painfully fill up. I have a head cold. My shift was difficult because arounf 9:30-10am, it started getting busy and didnt really stop. We already have several regulars. There have been the same coffee professionals attending our cuppings multiple times already. So many folks drink multiple courses of drinks, and we just memorize and settle their tabs at the end. It has been a rad challenge to give perfect service, memorizing who came to the counter first, and make every shot perfect. Perfect latte art with the crazy local milk isnt too hard; especially when people still melt and freakout over it. This hard-looking goth-punk couple came in, off the street by random they said (we'll occassionally ask how people heard about us, and most read mags, or tweets!). They were stoic until their capps came out, and they started giggling and broke out their camera.
A local Portlander, M Ward, who I didnt recognize, came in for coffee yesterday as his band She & Him were going to play the Melkweg, one of two decent venues in A-dam. Later the band stopped by during our employee meeting, and we made them coffee before they performed. They were all so excited for a taste of home. They put us on the guest list, so after our meeting, the 6 of us rode 4 bikes over to the show.
It was great; beautiful pop-rock-country. Jazzy at times too. It was a nice surprise. I rallied my body for a second wind to go, even though I felt like collapsing. I got home before midnight and slept until 2pm. Today, Friday, is my Saturday.
I feel so guilty about staying at home, but every time I stand up I get a huge headache and can barely stand the pressure in my head. My throat is raw and I can barely speak.
In addition to the cold I am still dealing with the gluten-exposure; dizziness and headaches, sluggishness. I'm just mapping out places to go over the next 2 days I have off. Although Sunday, the only day the cafe is closed, we're going to each practice doing multiple brewing demos while clearly explaining the processes and unique properties of each, as we'll be doing for folks soon. Already, yesterday's brewing demo hosted around 10 people, and it was only our 4th day open!
It's a true fact that coffee in Holland will never be the same now. Every day on bar I hear baristas gasping and saying "I never thought to do that" at things like flushing the grouphead or wiping a portafilter basket. It's pretty exciting.
But for now, it's ginger tea and rest... It's so hard to stay in bed when there's a whole city to explore!!

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